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Notice of Privacy Practices

In accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (“Law”) in force in Mexico, we inform you that this Personal Data Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes how the CLUB DE FUTBOL MONTERREY RAYADOS, A.C. (“EL CLUB”), with address at: Avenida Pablo Livas #2011, Colonia La Pastora, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, C.P. 67140, is responsible for the use and protection of your Personal Data, and in this regard we inform you of the following: In accordance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (“Law”) in force in Mexico, we inform you that this Personal Data Privacy Notice (“Notice”) describes how the CLUB DE FUTBOL MONTERREY RAYADOS, A.C. (“EL CLUB”), with address at: Avenida Pablo Livas #2011, Colonia La Pastora, Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, C.P. 67140, is responsible for the use and protection of your Personal Data, and in this regard we inform you of the following:

1. Personal Data Processed

The Personal Data that EL CLUB collects through this website (“Portal”) and other means are: identification, contact, employment, patrimonial, academic and biometric data.

EL CLUB does not collect sensitive personal data from users. However, if this is the case, the express and written consent of the owner will be obtained for its treatment, through his autograph signature, electronic signature, or any authentication mechanism.

2.Purpose of the information collected

The personal data we collect is used for the following primary purposes: (i) identification purposes; (ii) statistical purposes and (iii) to eventually contact you via email in order to respond to your request and monitor the frequency of your use of the Portal for internal administration and analysis purposes.

In addition, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow and facilitate us to provide you with better care: (i) providing information in relation to the team and its basic strengths, programs for subscribers and/or supporters, promotions, special events or any other that EL CLUB needs to communicate for the benefit of users. 
If you do not want your Personal Data to be processed for these additional purposes, you can contact us at any time, to limit such processing, through the email jose.chapa@rayados.com.

3. Rayados app

EL CLUB uses “TrueDepth” and “APIs” technology in its application and expressly confirms that it does not store information related to face tracking or any facial feature. When using the EL CLUB application or its website (www.rayados.com), the User allows his face and surroundings to be recorded. Such recordings will never be shared with third parties, agents or intermediaries.

Similarly, information relating to the recordings of the face and surroundings will not be stored and will be used only for the following purposes: (i) analysis of the application information; (ii) user behavior within the EL CLUB App or the website; (iii) adding filters, animations and 3D effects customized for the User; and (iv) application settings.

We require access to background location access in the Rayados App to offer personalized content and promotions, depending on the region the user is located in, and improve the experience.

4. Consent

The entry and/or registration through the Portal and/or the provision of Personal Data by any other means of EL CLUB implies the full consent of the owners for the processing of their Personal Data, in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

The owner of the Personal Data states that he/she is of legal age on the date they were provided and has full legal capacity. If EL CLUB is aware that Personal Data has been collected from minors or incapacitated under applicable legislation, they will be immediately deleted from the databases. 

5. Revocation of Consent

You may revoke, at any time, your consent to the treatment that EL CLUB makes of your Personal Data through the email jose.chapa@rayados.com, which must contain: (i) name, address, email or other means to communicate the response to your request; (ii) documents that prove your identity or, where appropriate, legal representation; (iii) the clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which you seek to revoke your consent for the treatment and (iv) any other element that provides the location of personal data.

It is important to mention that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or complete the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we may need to continue processing your personal data. Therefore, for certain purposes, the revocation of consent implies the suspension of the service or the termination of the relationship with EL CLUB.

6. Security Mechanisms

In accordance with the Law, EL CLUB informs you that it has implemented administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your Personal Data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or treatment.

7. Limiting the use or disclosure of my personal information

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following: a) Your registration in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is managed by the Federal Consumer Attorney's Office, so that your personal data is not used to receive advertising or promotions from companies of goods or services. For more information about this registry, you can consult the PROFECO website, or contact PROFECO directly.

8. ARCO Rights

Users are recognized and may exercise their ARCO rights (access, cancellation, rectification and opposition), sending their request directly to the Responsible through the email account jose.chapa@rayados.com. This request must contain: (i) name, address, email or other means to communicate the answer to your request; (ii) documents that prove your identity or, where appropriate, legal representation; (iii) the clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO rights and (iv) any other element that facilitates the location of personal data.

9. Data Transfer

EL CLUB may transfer your Personal Data to its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and/or related companies for commercial and promotional purposes described in this Notice. EL CLUB will not transfer your Personal Data to national or foreign third parties, other than those mentioned above. 

In this case, you are informed that EL CLUB will adopt the appropriate measures to ensure that people who have access to their Personal Data comply with this privacy policy.

10. Use of Cookies

The warning is made that EL CLUB may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to confirm your identification, personalize your access to this Portal and review its use, with the sole purpose of improving your navigation and its operating conditions, since the aforementioned do not collect personal data from users in terms of the Law.

11. Exclusion of Liability of the Site

This Portal has links to other external sites, of which the content and privacy policies are not the responsibility of EL CLUB.

12. Amendments to the Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Notice at any time. If there are any changes to this Privacy Notice, users will be notified as follows: (i) sending an email to the account you have provided and/or, (ii) publishing a visible note on our Portal.

We will not be responsible if you do not receive the notice of an amendment in the Privacy Notice, if there are any problems with your email account, Internet data transmission, or if the Portal was not accessed for any reason not attributable to EL CLUB. For your safety, please review the content of this privacy notice on our Portal at any time if you wish.

The laws and regulations of different countries may impose different (and even conflicting) requirements on the Internet and the protection of information.

We are located in Mexico and all matters relating to this Site are governed by the laws of Mexico. If you are located in any other country outside of Mexico and you contact us, please note that any information you provide to us will be transferred to Mexico, and at the time you enter your information you authorize this transfer and the acceptance of this Privacy Notice.

Last update: 01/02/2023

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